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Environmental Protection Agency MAROS Overview  

MAROS is a database application developed to assist users with groundwater data trend analysis and long term monitoring optimization at contaminated groundwater sites. MAROS applies statistical methods to answer the following questions:
  • What constituents of concern (COC) are identified at the site?
  • Are the temporal trends in groundwater data statistically significant?
  • Are there redundant wells in the groundwater monitoring network?
  • What is the suggested frequency of future sampling?
  • Do new wells need to be added to adequately characterize the plume ?


MAROS Home Site
  • Data Management
  • Monitoring Network Optimization
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Input
  • Tabular File: *.xls, *.mdb, ERPIMS
  • Graphical File: NA
  • Output
    • Tabular File: *.mdb, *.xls, htm
    • Graphical File: *.xls
    • Print Report: Yes
    • Metals
    • Chlorinated Solvents
    • SVOCs
    • PCBs
    • Petroleum
    • Radionuclides
    • Groundwater
    Technical Team Members
    • Hydrogeologist
    • Statistician
    MAROS - data loading
    • Data can be loaded to MAROS from Excel files. However, MAROS requires that chemical names conform exactly to the nomenclature specified in the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) Environmental Resources Program Information Management System (ERPIMS). ERPIMS requires that chemical names fit this format exactly; therefore, users must check chemical constituent names carefully to ensure the appropriate ERPIMS name is used. This issue was cited by MAROS technical support (see sources below) as the most significant source of technical support calls.
    MAROS - graphic loading
    • Not applicable.
    MAROS - logical flow
    • The program is organized around a simple flow chart on the main menu to help the user understand the relationship of the various modules and the order the analysis should be conducted.
    • The flow chart-driven program structure does not allow users to save the work until an analysis is complete. The user must first complete all the steps within a module.
    MAROS - expert knowledge
    • User should have access to expert knowledge of site hydrogeology to enter hydrogeological information (such as groundwater flow rate and direction) into the Site Details module.
    • User should have experience with, or access to, expert knowledge of statistical methods to use program effectively and appropriately. Appendices provide detailed discussion of the theory behind the statistical methods.
    MAROS - functionality
    • "COC recommendation" dialog boxes within Module 2 (Site Details) allow the user to rank chemicals of concern (COCs) by toxicity, prevalence, and mobility. This function encourages review of the underlying assumptions of the site's conceptual site model (CSM). It is a useful feature that may prompt the user to revise the CSM accordingly.
    • The manual data loading tool requires all fields to be input by hand for each record, which can be time consuming. Fields cannot be copied from record to record. Modifying the input file in a program external to MAROS (such as Microsoft Excel or Access) is a faster method for editing or adding input data.
    • MAROS stores data in a fixed format that may be difficult to work with. Concentration values are provided to the user as a scientific notation data string, with a large number of significant digits.
    MAROS - documentation
    • The on-screen Help menu includes material from the step-by-step instructions in the MAROS manual. The user may refer to the appendices (of the users manual) for information on the methods and algorithms used and their underlying theories.
    MAROS - output
    • Reports that provide the results may be printed and exported from individual modules, or may be selected from a menu and printed or exported from the final "MAROS Output" module.
    • Reports have limited graphics that show relative positions of wells or plume characteristics, such as the calculated center of mass, on an X-Y axis. More sophisticated graphics (such as plotting results on a base map) require the user to output results to an Microsoft Access file for post-processing in other programs.
    MAROS - sources
    • Version 2.0 downloaded October 7, 2004. (Version 2.1 now available)
    • E-mail correspondence with technical support (Mindy Vanderford of Groundwater Services, Inc.).
    • Users Guide and Appendices.
    • Help Menus.
    Note that this DST matrix is under active construction. Comments and suggestions about the structure
    or content of this website should be sent to Mike Adam .
    This web site contains technology information from private contractors and government agencies and is for informational purposes only. EPA cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation, or favor of the United States Government.