Agency Program Links
- FRTR Member-Agency Offices and Programs
- U.S. Air Force
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Navy
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Department of Energy
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Superfund Research Program
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Selected Technology-Related Research and Partnership Organizations
U.S. Department of Defense
- Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment (DUSD/I&E) – Office responsible for oversight and policy guidance for all Department of Defense Installations and Environmental Programs. This includes environmental, safety, and occupational health policies and programs; restoration at active and closing bases; compliance with environmental laws; conservation of natural and cultural resources; pollution prevention, environmental technology, fire protection, and explosives safety.
- Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Environmental Cleanup – Provides BRAC Cleanup Teams and associated personnel with information and the latest news on emerging policies and inactives on BRAC cleanup.
- Defense Environment Network & Information Exchange (DENIX) – Provides information, communication and collaboration services to Department of Defense environmental personnel, State regulatory and educational environmental offices, the environmental international community, and the general public.
- Defense Technical Information Center — Central facility for searching, displaying, or ordering scientific and technical reports and summaries from DoD.
- Department of Defense Environmental Cleanup – Provides information from DoD's Cleanup Office and Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP), which are charged with reducing risks to human health and the environment at active, formerly used, and closing bases and former DoD properties.
- Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB) – Provides objective advice to the Secretary of Defense and Service Secretaries on matters concerning explosives safety and prevention of hazardous conditions to life and property on and off Department of Defense installations from the explosives and environmental effects of DoD titled munitions.
- DoD Environmental Security Technology Certification Program – ESTCP's goal is to demonstrate and validate promising, innovative technologies that target the Department of Defense's most urgent environmental needs. These technologies provide a return on investment through cost savings and improved efficiency.
- National Defense Center for Energy & Evironment (NDCEE) – Transition technology solutions in support of the DoD as it strives to maintain readiness, meet sustainability goals, and support warfighters at home and abroad.
U.S. Air Force
- Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Environment, Safety and Infrastructure (SAF/IEE) – Office responsible for providing guidance, direction, and oversight on all matters pertaining to the formulation, review, and execution of Air Force plans, policies, programs, and budgets related to environment, safety, and occupational health.
- Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) – Provides Air Force leaders with the comprehensive expertise they need to protect, preserve, restore, develop and sustain our nation's environmental and installation resources.
- Edwards Air Force Base Environmental Management – As home of the Air Force Flight Test Center, focuses focuses on helping the flight testers maintain access to the unique physical environment the desert provides for flight testing and other operations, while not upsetting the delicate balance of the desert ecosystem.
U.S. Army
- Army Environmental Command (AEC) – As a subcommand of the US Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM), AEC provides central planning, management, coordination, oversight, and technical support to the Army's environmental programs. Develops, executes, and provides management oversight of Army environmental programs in support of the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (OACSIM) and Office of the Director Environmental Programs, including restoration of contaminated lands, pollution prevention, technology transfer, reporting and tracking of Army programs, conservation of natural and cultural resources, and compliance with environmental standards and criteria.
- Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Headquarters – Provides information on USACE's mission, organizational units, and the environmental and other services USACE provides to the military and the public.
- Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Environmental Laboratory – Engages in research, development, special studies, and technology transfer to support the environmental missions of the Army and DoD.
- Environmental Program – Cleans up sites contaminated with hazardous waste, radioactive waste, or ordnance and complies with Federal, State, and local environmental laws and regulations.
- Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise – Provides information and assistance on topics related to environmental remediation and environmental compliance, including innovative technologies, environmental risk assessment, ecological risk assessment, environmental engineering, cost recovery, and military munitions.
- Aquatic and Wetlands Ecosystems Research and Development Center – An extensive complex for research on environmental issues related to plants and animals within aquatic and wetland ecosystems. The complex provides comprehensive facilities, including laboratories, common research areas, greenhouses, and ponds, to support many types of research.
U.S. Navy
- Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NAVFAC EXWC) – Provides timely and effective facilities engineering solutions and push the envelope for innovative, technology-leveraged strategies and alternatives in a variety of areas, including base realignment and closure and environmental programs.
- NAVFAC Environmental Restoration and BRAC – These web pages are a one-stop resource for environmental professionals and public community members interested in or involved in Department of the Navy environmental site cleanup performed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) on sites contaminated as a result of past operations.
- Navy Technology Transfer Page – Highlights technology transfer efforts conducted by the Navy's environmental community and Navy efforts to increase the use of innovative technologies and approaches to reduce environmental cleanup costs.
U.S. Department of Energy
- Office of Environmental Management (EM) – Office responsible for centralized management of DOE waste management operations, environmental restoration programs and activities, and related applied research and development. EM also provides direction, policy, and management oversight to the DOE Operations Offices at Idaho (ID), Ohio (OH), Rocky Flats (RF), Richland (RL), Savannah River (SR), and the Office of River Protection (ORP) at Richland.
- Data Quality Objectives (DQO) – A systematic procedure for defining the criteria that a data collection design should satisfy, including when to collect samples, where to collect samples, the tolerable level of decision error for the study, and how many samples to collect, balancing risk and cost in an acceptable manner.
- DOE Information Bridge – Provides an open source to full-text and bibliographic records of DOE research and development reports in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics produced by the DOE National Laboratories and grantees since 1995.
- EM Paths to Closure – Web page containing a site-by-site, project-by-project description of the projected technical scope, cost, and schedule required to complete the DOE's remaining cleanup sites in the United States.
- Office of Environmental Management – Iidentifies and advances technologies, processes, and technical practices that improve the performance of environmental management projects over their entire lifecycle, from planning to disposal. These efforts provide the highest level of interdisciplinary engineering consultation, guidance, expertise, and continuity in the organization. It provides DOE with development and implementation of engineering concepts, practices, programs and advance technologies for improvement of design, construction, and system/facilities management activities.
DOE National Laboratories
- Ames Laboratory Environmental Technology Development Program – Technology information under development at Ames Lab for application at DOE sites.
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Environmental Restoration Division – Information on environmental projects from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- Los Alamos Environmental Science and Technology – Information on innovative technologies from Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Environmental Management – Environmental restoration project information from DOE's Hanford Reservation and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
- Sandia National Laboratory – Environmental restoration project information from Sandia's environmental program.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Hazardous Waste Cleanup Information (CLU-IN) – World Wide Web site offering comprehensive information designed to assist hazardous waste cleanup professionals in finding the latest information on innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies, including information on programs, organizations, publications, and access to data bases and other tools for cleanups. CLU-IN users include EPA staff, other Federal and State personnel, consulting engineers, technology vendors, remediation contractors, researchers, community groups, and the public.
- Brownfields and Land Revitalization – Information on efforts to cleanup and reuse abandoned, idled, or under-used industrial and commercial facilities, known as Brownfield sites, where redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination.
- Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) – This website compiles available information related to the cleanup of dense nonaqueous-phase liquids (DNAPLs) at hazardous waste sites. The site addresses the most common DNAPL contaminants: chlorinated ethenes (e.g., tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene) and multi-component wastes (creosotes, coal tars, and heavy oils), with an emphasis on source zone cleanup. It provides information about available remediation technologies, such as bioremediation, in situ flushing and oxidation, and thermal processes. U.S. EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation plans to add new resources as they become available, and future expansion may include ethers, halogenated alkanes, polychlorinated biphenyls, and other chemicals that form DNAPLs.
- Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) – Verifies the performance of innovative technical solutions to problems that threaten human health or the environment. Managed by EPA's Office of Research and Development, ETV was created to substantially accelerate the entrance of new environmental technologies into the domestic and international marketplace. ETV verifies commercial-ready, private sector technologies through 12 programs.
- Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) – Responsible for EPA programs to protecting public health and the environment through safely managing waste, preparing for, and preventing chemical and oil spills, accidents and emergencies cleaning up and reusing contaminated property.
- Restoration & Reuse at Federal Facilities – Provides links to documents containing comprehensive information on existing and potential treatment technologies for remediation of hazardous waste at Federal facilities.
- Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program – Established by EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response and the Office of Research and Development in response to the 1986 Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act, which recognized a need for an "Alternative or Innovative Treatment Technology Research and Demonstration Program."
- Technology Developer Tools & Resources – Provides technology developers and vendors with tools to help advance technologies through all stages of product development from bench scale to full commercialization. The materials cover a broad range of topics that include business planning, marketing, financing, and technical issues and sources.
- Technology Transfer Highlights – Information on technology transfer projects and support from the Agency's National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL). The laboratory conducts research in a variety of areas, including protection of water quality in public water systems; remediation of contaminated soils, sediments and ground water; and restoration of ecosystems.
- Training Exchange – Provides a range of training information to EPA, other Federal agency, State, Tribal, and local staff involved in hazardous waste management and remediation.
U.S. Department of Interior
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is the main federal agency dedicated to protecting wildlife and their habitat from pollution's harmful effects, helping to create a healthy world for all living things.
- U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program – Provides objective scientific information to improve characterization and management of contaminated sites, to protect human and environmental health, and to reduce potential future contamination problems.
U.S. Department of Transportation
- The Volpe National Transportation Systems Center – The U.S. Department of Transportation's Volpe Center calls upon its elite corps of experts to develop the solutions that are shaping the nation's transportation systems, technology, and performance. Their multidisciplinary staff work across all modes of transportation, and collaborate with local, state, and federal agencies; academia; and industry.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- Environmental Management Division – Provides leadership, policy, oversight and coordination for NASA institutional and programmatic environmental issues, including those directed toward advancing environmental stewardship, and ensuring environmental statutory and regulatory compliance.
- NASA Innovative Partnerships Program – Provides online access to a national network of programs, organizations and services sponsored by and affiliated with the IPP at NASA Headquarters and to access opportunities for technology transfer, development and collaboration with NASA.
Selected Technology-Related Research and Partnership Organizations
- Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) – A cooperative initiative among Federal agencies and institutional recipients of Federal funds. It was established to increase research productivity by streamlining the administrative process and minimizing the administrative burden on principal investigators while maintaining effective stewardship of Federal funds. FDP members include academic and research institutions, Federal agencies, and professional organizations. Given the ever-increasing Federal regulatory environment and the strain on the relationship between academia and the Federal government, FDP provides a unique forum for dialogue, demonstration, and debate among all the key players.
- Federal Integrated Biotreatment Consortium – Operates under the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) to develop implementable, cost-effective bioremediation technologies for addressing explosives, high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated solvents, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
- Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) – A national coalition of State environmental regulatory agencies working with Federal agencies and other stakeholders to improve the acceptance and deployment of innovative environmental technologies. ITRC programs focus on building national/regional partnerships and establishing interstate verification standards and mechanisms that encourage regulators and regulated entities to explore innovative solutions to environmental protection, site restoration, and resource conservation problems.
- National Research Council – The National Research Council (NRC) functions under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The NAS, NAE, IOM, and NRC are part of a private, nonprofit institution that provides science, technology and health policy advice.
- Sediment Dredging at Superfund Megasites: Assessing the Effectiveness (2007) – This report was produced by the National Research Council (NRC) for the U.S. EPA and evaluates dredging as a cleanup technique. The report finds that, based on a review of available evidence, dredging's ability to decrease environmental and health risks is still an open question. Analysis of pre-dredging and post-dredging at about 20 sites found a wide range of outcomes in terms of surface sediment concentrations of contaminants: some sites showed increases, some no change, and some decreases in concentrations.
- Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) – DoD's corporate environmental research and development program, planned and executed in full partnership with the DOE and U.S. EPA, with participation by numerous other Federal and non-Federal organizations. Within its broad areas of interest, the Program focuses on cleanup, compliance, conservation, and pollution prevention technologies. SERDP identifies, develops, and transitions environmental technologies that relate directly to defense mission accomplishment.
- Superfund Research Program (SRP) – Focuses on acquiring new scientific and engineering knowledge that advances society's understanding of the human and ecological risks from hazardous substances and the development of new technologies for the cleanup of Superfund sites. Results of SBRP efforts serve as the basis for subsequent basic or applied research in these areas, but also provides a foundation for practical benefits such as lower cleanup costs on hazardous waste sites and improvements in human and ecological health risk assessment.