MASS FLUX TOOL KIT - data loading |
• Data can be loaded manually or from an Excel tab-delimited file. |
• If data are imported from Excel, the data must be in a .txt file format. The Tool Kit requires the file to be in a certain format, as specified on page 22 of the users' manual. |
loading |
� Not Applicable. |
flow |
� The program is similar to a flow chart format in that steps must be followed in order, and each step must be complete before the user continues on to the next. |
• There are five principal steps to follow when mass flux is calculated across one or more transects through an affected groundwater plume: (1) Characterize Plume Concentrations; (2) Characterize Groundwater Flow; (3) Select Plume Transects; (4) Subdivide Transects into Subareas; and (5) Calculate Cumulative Mass Flux across Transect. |
• Sufficient groundwater sampling points must be available in areas selected for a transect. As an alternative method, the concentrations from contour lines can be used as measurement points if there are not enough sampling locations. |
• Groundwater flow at the site is estimated from the hydraulic gradient and the hydraulic conductivity at the site. The hydraulic gradient is estimated (outside of the software) from potentiometric surface maps from the site. Hydraulic conductivity is based on slug test results or literature values. |
• The program also calculates the impact of the calculated mass flux in terms of concentrations at supply wells or natural streams in the area. The total mass flux must be calculated first using the steps above. The number of supply wells and the discharge rate of each well is required to calculate the impact on the wells. The stream flow rate is required to calculate the concentration of constituents that affect surface waters. |
MASS FLUX TOOL KIT - expert knowledge
� The Mass Flux Tool Kit assumes the user is familiar with basic concepts in groundwater transport and mass balance.
• User must have some understanding of various interpolation methods for the grid completion step. The user's manual briefly describes the various methods, but it is difficult to choose the most appropriate method without prior knowledge. |
• Uncertainty in mass flux estimates is a key issue in using mass flux as a metric. The Mass Flux Tool Kit provides two options for analyzing uncertainty: Simple or Advanced Uncertainty Analysis. The advanced uncertainty analysis requires knowledge of the Monte Carlo approach. |
MASS FLUX TOOL KIT - functionality |
� The program requires imported files to be in a *.txt format and for data to be in specified columns of the tab-delimited Excel file, as seen on page 22 of the user's manual. |
� The program structure does not allow users to save work until the entire analysis is complete. The worksheet is saved as a GID file, which is an Excel file that can be loaded back into the program using the Load File button for future work. The Excel file must be named MassFluxToolkit.xls, which does not allow for each working session to be saved as a seperate *.xls file. |
MASS FLUX TOOL KIT - documentation |
• The Mass Flux Tool Kit User's Manual should be read before the program is used. A thorough review of the sample problem is a good introduction in how to use the program and will provide some insight into the format and process that should be used to enter site-specific data. The sample problem is loaded to the software by clicking the Paste Example button on the program screen. |
• Help menus describe functions of the Mass Flux Tool Kit and provide information at different steps of the calculation. |
• The Mass Flux Tool Kit creates printable reports of each screen generated. |
� The Mass Flux Tool Kit allows data from the monitoring wells entered manually on the Input Data and Grid screens to be exported into a text file for use in other programs. The Mass Flux Tool Kit exports data one transect and time period at a time into a tab-delimited text file. |
MASS FLUX TOOL KIT - sources |
• Version 1.6 downloaded October 9, 2006.. |
• User's Manual. |
• Help Menus. |
• Example Problems. |