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Abbreviations & Acronyms: R-Z

Note: Some acronyms have more than one meaning. Multiple meanings are listed, separated by semi-colons.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z


RA: Reasonable Alternative; Regulatory Alternatives; Regulatory Analysis; Remedial Action; Resource Allocation; Risk Analysis; Risk Assessment

RAC: Radiation Advisory Committee. Raw Agricultural Commodity; Regional Asbestos Coordinator. Response Action Coordinator

RACER: Remedial Action Cost Engineering Requirements

RACM: Reasonably Available Control Measures

RACT: Reasonably Available Control Technology

RAD: Radiation Adsorbed Dose (unit of measurement of radiation absorbed by humans)

RAP: Radon Action Program; Registration Assessment Panel; Remedial Accomplishment Plan; Response Action Plan

RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

RCRIS: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System

RD/RA: Remedial Design/ Remedial Action

R&D: Research and Development

RD&D: Research, Development and Demonstration

REE: Rare Earth Elements

REM: Roentgen Equivalent Man

RESOLVE: Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution

RfC: Reference Concentration

RfD: Reference Dose Values

RFI: Remedial Field Investigation

RI: Remedial Investigation

RIA: Regulatory Impact Analysis; Regulatory Impact Assessment

RI/FS: Remedial Investigation/ Feasibility Study

RLL: Rapid and Large Leakage (Rate)

RMP: Risk Management Plan

RNA: Ribonucleic Acid

ROD: Record Of Decision

ROG: Reactive Organic Gases

RPM: Reactive Plume Model; Remedial Project Manager

RRT: Regional Response Team; Requisite Remedial Technology

RSD: Risk-Specific Dose

RSE: Removal Site Evaluation

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S&A: Sampling and Analysis. Surveillance and Analysis

S/O: Simulation/Optimization

SANE: Sulfur and Nitrogen Emissions

SAR: Start Action Request. Structural Activity Relationship (of a qualitative assessment)

SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986

SAS: Special Analytical Service. Statistical Analysis System

SAW/GC: Surface Acoustic Wave/Gas Chromatography

SBA: Small Business Administration

SBC: Single Breath Cannister

SCAPS: Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System

SCBA: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus

SCD/SWDC: Soil or Soil and Water Conservation District

SCFM: Standard Cubic Feet Per Minute

SCR: Selective Catalytic Reduction

SCW: Supercritical Water Oxidation

SDWA: Safe Drinking Water Act

SEDS: State Energy Data System

SEP: Supplementary Environmental Project

SERDP: Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program

SF: Standard Form, Superfund

SFA: Spectral Flame Analyzers

SI: International System of Units. Site Inspection. Surveillance Index. Spark Ignition

SIC: Standard Industrial Classification

SIMS: Secondary Ion-Mass Spectrometry

SIP: State Implementation Plan

SITE: Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation

SMCL: Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level

SMSA: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area

SO²: Sulfur Dioxide

SOC: Synthetic Organic Chemicals

SOFC: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

SOUTHDIV: Southern Division (U.S. Navy)

SOW: Scope Of Work

SPCC: Spill Prevention, Containment, and Countermeasure

SPMD: Semi-Permeable Membrane Device

SQG: Small Quantity Generator

SRAP: Superfund Remedial Accomplishment Plan

SRC: Solvent-Refined Coal

SRM: Standard Reference Method

SSA: Sole Source Aquifer

SSL: Soil Screening Level

SSMS: Spark Source Mass Spectrometry

STARS: Strategic Targeted Activities for Results System

STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit

STEM: Scanning Transmission-Electron Microscope

SVE: Soil Vapor Extraction

SWDA: Solid Waste Disposal Act

SWMU: Solid Waste Management Unit

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TAG: Superfund Technical Assistance Grant

TALMS: Tunable Atomic Line Molecular Spectroscopy

TAP: Technical Assistance Program

TBT: Tributyltin

TC: Target Concentration. Technical Center. Toxicity Characteristics. Toxic Concentration:

TCDD: Dioxin (Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin)

TCDF: Tetrachlorodi-benzofurans

TCE: Trichloroethylene

TCF: Total Chlorine Free

TCLP: Total Concentrate Leachate Procedure. Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure

TCP: Trichloropropane

TDS: Thermal Desorption Sampler; Total Dissolved Solids

TEAP: Terminal Electron Accepting Processes

TEG: Tetraethylene Glycol

TEL: Tetraethyl Lead

THC: Total Hydrocarbons

THM: Trihalomethane

TLC: Thin-Layer Chromatography

TLV: Threshold Limit Value

TLV-C: TLV-Ceiling

TLV-STEL: TLV-Short Term Exposure Limit

TLV-TWA: TLV-Time Weighted Average

TMDL: Total Maximum Daily Limit; Total Maximum Daily Load

TNT: Trinitrotoluene

TOC: Total Organic Carbon/ Compound

TOX: Tetradichloroxylene

TPTH: Triphenyltinhydroxide

TPY: Tons Per Year

TRACES: Tri Services Automated Cost Engineering Systems

TRI: Toxic Release Inventory

TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act

TSDF: Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility

TSP: Total Suspended Particulates

TSS: Total Suspended (non-filterable) Solids

TTHM: Total Trihalomethane

TTO: Total Toxic Organics

TVOC: Total Volatile Organic Compounds

TZ: Treatment Zone

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UCC: Ultra Clean Coal

UCCI: Urea-Formaldehyde Foam Insulation

UDMH: Unsymmetrical Dimethyl Hydrazine

ug/m3: Micrograms Per Cubic Meter

UIC: Underground Injection Control

UMTRCA: Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act

USACE: United States Army Corps of Engineers

USAF: United States Air Force

USDA: United States Department of Agriculture

USFS: United States Forest Service

UST: Underground Storage Tank

UTM: Universal Transverse Mercator

UV: Ultraviolet

UVA, UVB, UVC: Ultraviolet Radiation Bands

UV-DOAS: Ultraviolet Differential Optical Absorption Spectometer

UXO: Unexploded Ordnance

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VCP: Voluntary Cleanup Program

VI: Vapor Intrusion

VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds

VOST: Volatile Organic Sampling Train

VSS: Volatile Suspended Solids

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WCED: World Commission on Environment and Development

WHO: World Health Organization

WHPA: Wellhead Protection Area

WQS: Water Quality Standard

WSF: Water Soluble Fraction

WWTP: Wastewater Treatment Plant

WWTU: Wastewater Treatment Unit

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XRF: X-Ray Fluorescence

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ZRL: Zero Risk Level

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