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Long-Term Monitoring and System Optimization

A new surge of interest in DSTs that are focused on optimizing long-term groundwater monitoring systems reflects the difficulty of obtaining concurrence from project stakeholders on a monitoring system that may be in place for as long as 30 years. This page features a DST that provides a package of statistical methods for analyzing trends in concentrations in groundwater at individual monitoring wells to evaluate where monitoring wells should be added to or removed from the overall well network.

Decision Support Software Tool Functions Function Evaluated Interactive or File Tabular Input and Output Graphical Input and Output and Print Report? Contaminants: Metals, Chlorinated Solvents, SVOCs, Pesticides PCBs, Petroleum, Radionuclides Media: Soil/Sediment, Soils Gas, Air, Surface Water, Groundwater Potential Technical Team Members
AMDTreat Cost Estimating I    NA     NA     NA     NA     Yes      √      NA      NA    NA     NA      NA    NA     NA     NA       √         √ •Engineer
Software Home Page Calculators(Water Quality)         •Geochemist
MAROS Data Management I/F     xls     xls      NA      xls     Yes      √        √       √        √         √         √   NA     NA       NA     NA      √ •Hydrogeologist
Software Home Page Monitoring Network Optimization   mdb^1  mdb     •Statistician
  Statisitcal Analysis               htm      
File input and output formats are represented in the matrix by the file extension.ASCII files, for example are indicated by the extension "txt."
EPCRA = Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act
1 ERPIMS data can be imported through an Access file or a series of text files (.tes, .res, .sam, .ldi).
2 GeoSEM uses several GIS vector and raster file formats: DOD vector product format (VPF) , ESRI product files, CAD drawings (dxf), ASCI II grids, and georeferenced image formats such as geoTIFs, bitmaps, GIFs, JPGs, and ERDAS.
N/A Not applicable
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