Reference Documents and Links
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- Army Cost and Economic Analysis Center (CEAC) – This web site provides information about Army cost procedures, cost data, models, and research conducted by/for the Army CEAC.
- Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller) – This web site provides links to information on Air Force (financial management and comptroller) cost, cost data, and research, and on activity-based cost estimating.
- Compendium of Cost Data for Environmental Remediation Technologies – The compendium is published Environmental Technology Cost-Savings Analysis Project (ETCAP), through the Los Alamos National Laboratory of the U.S. DOE. The compendium provides a representative sample of cost information for both conventional and innovative remediation technologies for the treatment of hazardous, radioactive, and mixed wastes. The compendium describes approximately 250 commercial or pilot-scale remedial projects. Cost data for the projects were gathered from a variety of sources (including Roundtable remediation case studies) and summarized to provide actual cost summaries, site characteristics, and comments about details of remedial projects. The cost information provided varies in level of detail.
- Extensible Markup Language (XML) Standards for Parametric Cost Modeling – XML is a superset of HyperText Markup Language (HTML) that works on any platform, on any network, across compliant applications. XML can serve as a mediator and provide common ground for bridging systems, increase consistency and compatibility, leverage existing systems (which lessens development and maintenance costs), and allow multiple systems to leverage existing models and extend them to meet unique needs. For example, XML can act as a bridge between a web-based application like the Navy's Cost-To-Complete system for estimating environmental budget requirements and an object-oriented, Internet-designed application like the Navy's Remediation Technology Evaluation Tool, a technology short list organized by media and contaminant. The XML bridge allows technologies to be compared against each other and ranked by cost or short-term effectiveness.
- Guide to Developing & Documenting Remedial Alternative Cost Estimates During the Feasibility Study (2000) – Updates and clarifies previous EPA guidance for developing and documenting complete and accurate remedial alternative cost estimates during the feasibility study.
- Hazardous, Toxic, and Radiological Waste (HTRW) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – The HTRW WBS is a product of the Interagency Cost Estimating Group (ICEG), which consists of representatives from the USACE, Navy, Air Force, EPA, and DOE. The WBS was developed in three sections; studies and design (System 32), remedial actions (System 33), and operations and maintenance (System 34), and has been used as a common cost structure by federal agencies to assist in collecting historical costs. The ICEG mission continues with maintaining this structure with upgrades including new technologies and cost and performance data requirements.
- Historical Cost Analysis System (HCAS) – In 2004 the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Hazardous Toxic and Radioactive Waste Center of Expertise (HTRW/CX), the United States Army Environmental Center (USAEC), and the Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency (AFCESA) jointly began collecting environmental project and cost data to assess parametric models. To collect the historical environmental project and cost data, a process and protocol for data collection, analysis, and management was developed and information from 211 projects was brought together in a report. The report is available as a resource on data collection and parametric model assessment. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Rick Osborn at 402-697-2426.
- Naval Center for Cost Analysis – This web site provides links to Navy cost procedures, cost data, and research.
- Tri Services Automated Cost Engineering Systems (TRACES) – TRACES is the Tri-Services umbrella linking all automated cost engineering systems and their associated data bases. This web site, operated by the USACE Huntsville Engineering and Support Center, provides access to Micro Computer Assisted Cost Engineering System (MCASES) software and links to cost estimating and budgeting tools, such as Historical Analysis Generator (HAG), Life Cycle Cost, PC-Cost, Parametric Building Module, and Scheduling Interface, for authorized users supporting the DoD Military program and the Corps of Engineers Civil Works program.
- USACE Area Cost Factors – Area cost factors (ACF) are used to adjust average historical facility costs to a specific project location, and to increase accuracy in comparing and projecting costs at a various locations. Once every two years, USACE surveys the prices of 34 items in a "market basket" in 188 cities. The results of the survey and consideration of several matrix factors are used in developing the ACF.
- U.S. DOE/EM Applied Cost Engineering (ACE) Team – The ACE Team was established to promote continuous cost improvements through dissemination of cost engineering tools, methods, techniques, best practices, and lessons learned across the Environmental Restoration (ER) complex.