As of July 2020, the content of this old version has been replaced with a new version.
Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
Appendix C.21 RREL Treatability Data Base
Table of Contents


Sponsoring Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Cincinnati, OH
Description of Services: The NRMRL Treatability Data Base provides a thorough review of the effectiveness of proven treatment technologies in the removal or destruction of chemicals from media such as municipal and industrial wastewater, drinking water, ground water, soil, debris, sludge, and sediment. The data base includes only those technologies that are commercially available. The data base is distributed to federal, state, and local governments; foreign governments; academia; industry; and many other groups.
Data: Version 5.0 of the data base was released in May 1993 and contains 1207 compounds and 13,500 treatability data sets. The data base is organized by chemical. For each compound, the data base includes:
  • Physical/chemical properties.
  • Freundlich isotherm data.
  • Aqueous and solid treatability data.
  • Scale (bench, pilot, or field).
  • Average concentration of contaminants in influent and effluent.
  • Average percentage of removal.
  • Reference citations with a reference abstract.
Access: The data base is available for free upon request. To obtain a diskette copy of the system, send a written request or fax to the contact listed below. Please indicate the disk size (5 1/2 HD or 3 1/4 HD) you prefer. 
Hardware/Software: The Data Base is a stand-alone menu driven system that runs on an IBM PC or compatible using DOS 2.0 to 6.0. The system requires 7 megabytes of hard disk space and 640 kilobytes or RAM.
Contact: Glenn M. Shaul
26 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268
(513) 569-7408
FAX (513) 569-7787

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