As of July 2020, the content of this old version has been replaced with a new version.
Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
Appendix E.8 Remedial Technology Design, Performance, and Cost Study (July 1992)
Table of Contents


The purpose of this USAF study was to provide a technical reference for USAF engineers and project managers on the state-of-the-art for established remedial technologies likely to be used at USAF installations. For purposes of this report, established technologies were defined as those involved in more than 100 remediation projects so that information about design, performance, and cost would be available for a variety of environmental conditions. The technologies reviewed in this study included bioremediation, air stripping, vacuum extraction, thermal treatment, carbon adsorption, stabilization and solidification, and contaminant recovery and separation.

This independent source of information supports the review of USAF contractor activities, including reviews of feasibility studies identifying a preferred remedial strategy, cost estimates and proposals for site remediation, and designs for remedial equipment and systems.

A second purpose of this study was to obtain information from vendors about their experience in selecting remedial technologies and developing strategies for their implementation. Such information provides additional substance on which USAF engineers can base decisions for remedial actions at USAF sites.

More than 200 vendors were contacted for information. Site visits were conducted with 35 vendors who had extensive experience with at least one of the remedial technologies in order to elicit detailed information on equipment design, performance, cost, and technology selection and implementation.

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